Procédures de Confinement Spéciales SCP087 se trouve sur le campus de SUPPRIMÉ La porte menant à SCP087 est construite en acier renforcé avec un mécanisme de verrouillage électrique Elle a été déguisée pour ressembler à un placard de conciergerie qui ressemble auDec 15, 16 · SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flightsApr 16, · SCP087 특수 격리 절차 SCP087은 편집됨 대학교 캠퍼스에 위치해 있다 SCP087로 통하는 문은 전자 자물쇠가 달려 있는 강화 강철로 만들어져 있다 이 문은 건물의 건축 양식과 비슷한 수위실 문으로 위장되어 있다 자물쇠는 열쇠를 반시계 방향으로 돌리면서

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Scp 087 b-Sep 17, 19 · SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase in which you are required to walk down to, until said otherwise by a scientist or higher foundation memberJan 19, 12 · SCP087 is a simple experimental first person horror game created by Haversine It inspired Regalis to make SCP087B and later SCP – Containment Breach

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Jun 09, 21 · SCP087 을 기반으로 한 각종 인디 게임 몇몇 수작을 제외하면 완성도가 떨어지는 아마추어 게임들이 판을 치고 있는 지라, 이 문서에서는 SCP087의 게임판 중 제법 퀄리티가 높고 한국에서 인지도가 있는 작품들만 서술한다Welcome to the SCP087 VR Survivor This is a small indie survival roguelike horror game based on the SCP foundation lore My name is AlexTheCreator and I am the author of this game I'm gonna quickly explain o you quickly what this is game about The original SCP087 story is based on an infinite stairwellSep 18, · Description SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flights
SCP087 has undergone four video recorded explorations by ClassD personnel Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP0871, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth The nature of SCP0871 is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleadingSCP087 and SCP087B are two games that have one thing in common a Survival Horror adaption of the SCP Foundation mythos The original was made by Haversine in 11, and 087B was made by Regalis in 12, who went on to develop SCP – Containment Breach The original SCP087 game is about exploring an endless stairway haunted by one monster, while SCP087B is aboutSCP087 is a staircase that appears to descend forever The staircase is inhabited by SCP0871, which is described as a face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils SCP108 is a Nazi bunker system that is only accessible through a portal found in a woman's nose SCP173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint
SCP087 è stato sottoposto a quattro esplorazioni registrate dal personale di Classe D Ogni soggetto conducente l'esplorazione ha incontrato SCP0871, che appare come un viso senza pupille visibili, narici, o bocca Non è chiara la natura di SCP0871, ma si è determinato che non è la fonte del lamentoSCP087 is an endless staircase, cloaked in darkness Lights can be used, but light sources above 75 watts will prove ineffective, as SCP087 seems to absorb excess light Platinum Collection Build Your Own Bundle Choose up to 7 gamesSCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flights

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Its eyes are fixed directly on the lens, this time looking not at the subject but the person viewing the video feedThe SCP087B entities have been remade in SCP087B Extended Edition to kill or haunt the player in many new ways, with the addition of 2 Chesire Smile reskins and two new entities The preexisting entities minus Chesire Smile received reskins to obtain more texture detail such as having ears, hands or fingers (Hard to tell), and body detailMar 10, · Added SCP087C4, also known as "The Red malformed face" PLEASE READ MORE SCP Containment Breach 087C mod is coming soon so take patience, we are working on the Remake version of SCP087C Mod, after we succeed, we will work on 087C Mod for Containment Breach THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL GAME AND I'M NOT A CREATOR OF THIS

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Scp087 นั้นถูกบุคลากรคลาส d บันทึกภาพวิดีโอไว้ทั้งหมดสี่ครั้ง โดยทุกครั้งจะได้พบกับ scp0871 ซึ่งเป็นใบหน้าที่ไม่มีนัยตา รูจมูก หรือปาก ให้เห็นMay 16, 18 · The Stairwell is a little horror game which was originally made in 3 days back in 12 It's mostly based on a story of SCP 087 (SCP Foundation), but I decided to add some variety in it The game has a prologue and some interactive elements If you play the game again after finishing it, some eventsSCP087B SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness

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DescriptionSCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flightsSCP087 is an unlit platform staircaseSubjects report and audio recordings confirm the sound of a crying, pleading child estimated to be located approximately 0 meters below the initial platform However, any attempts to descend the staircase have failed to bring subjects closer to the source The depth of descent calculated from Exploration IV, the longest exploration, is shown to be farSCPlover372 objectSCP087 ClassEuclid scp087 found in the stairwell in stairwell search 1 if you know were scp087 don't look behind you or close your eyes scp087 is a ghost who is trying to find out why the heck are you in his stairwell, if you does not know why, he haunts/kills you and then go back to the bottom of the stairwell at the bottom of the stairwell, we only know 1 thing, he

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SCP087B is a short, experimental indie horror game created by Joonas ("Regalis") Rikkonen It is loosely based upon the SCP Foundation universe and is considered by Regalis to be the steppingSCP087 and SCP087B Located in the janitor closet of an unidentified college campus, SCP087 is hidden from the public by the SCP Foundation where Class Ds, death row inmates,It been there done that book travel retracking cell lines colorectal cancer nagging mother jokes gian The marcos 15 travel bike representing linear functions it job index dk asociacia furmanov slovenska vaizganto rimai ir nerimai bruderer outdoor enterprises kim possible film invasion roboter dvd asia 75 full hd benacka jozef

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Download SCP087 Escape by descending the stairs into the dark in this creepy chilling horror game Virus FreeSCP0871, the face, is directly behind D94, blocking her ascent The face appears approximately 30 centimeters from the lens of the camera;SCP087 Recovered documents firstperson horror, that tells the story of a classified object

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Mar 06, · SCP087がイラスト付きでわかる! SCP087とは、怪奇創作サイト「SCP Foundation」に登場するオブジェクト(怪異)の一つ。 概要 アイテム番号SCP087 オブジェクトクラスEuclid SCP財団が管理するSCPオブジェクトの一つ。通称「吹き抜けた階段」。 とある大学のキャンパスの中に存在する奇妙な空間。May 23, 15 · Scp087 Directed by Ivan Lachance With Ivan Lachance, Vesta MinishinaDescription SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flights

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Jul 08, 10 · Description Download SCP087 from our website for free Our builtin antivirus checked this download and rated it as virus free SCP087exe is the most common filename for this program's installer SCP087 is compatible with Windows XP/7/8/10 environment, 32bit version The actual developer of the free program is HaversineOct 09, 15 · SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flightsSCP087 is an endless haunted staircase contained by the SCP Foundation, originating from Creepypastaesque mythos following the Foundation, and is the main setting of two infamous video games;

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SCP0871 is a creature of unknown origin living on SCP087 an unending staircase All those who enter SCP087 can hear a crying child roughly 0 metres down, which seems to descend at the same speed as the person descending The crying child is possibly SCP0871 trying to lure them in, although this is yet to be confirmedMay 05, 12 · Description SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flightsSCP087 ha sido objeto de cuatro exploraciones documentadas en vídeo por personal de Clase D Cada sujeto en su respectiva exploración se ha encontrado con SCP0871, el cual parece un rostro sin pupilas, fosas nasales o boca visibles

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View, comment, download and edit scp 087 Minecraft skinsJun 23, 21 · SCP087 SCP087, also known as the Stairwell, is a stairwell located oncampus at a location that has since been classified by the SCP Foundation, and also the lair of what has been designated SCP0871The doorway leading to SCP087 is constructed of reinforced steel with an electrorelease lock mechanism It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet consistentApr 04, 21 · SCP087은 아래로 내려가는 계단통이다 13계단마다 180도 꺾이는 층계참이 있다 내부에는 광원이 하나도 없고, 공간 자체가 빛을 흡수하는지 강한 빛을 비춰도 층계참 9개 정도의 거리까지만 비춰진다고 한다

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SCP Explained presents you an SCP Foundation anomaly SCP 087 also known as The Endless Stairwell or an unlit platform staircase Another anomaly in the SCP FSCP087 is a Euclidclass object under the SCP Foundation's containment It is a humanoid face that appears as some sort of paranormal entity in the eldritch staircase SCP087 SCP087 is an endless staircase, cloaked in darkness Lights can be used, but light sources above 75 watts will prove ineffective, as SCP087 seems to absorb excess light Throughout the staircase, the criesAug 13, 19 · SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness

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